Start up Engineering
Expertise of Focz can help you from the very inception of your dream project. Just come to us to discuss your business idea and we can take you through all the nuances of the mandatory paper work. Your idea is in complete confidence with us and that is the trust which will pave the way to the future.
Idea – concept – feasibility
The best thing about a business is the idea of generating income by providing a service or product to the needy. However the idea needs to be developed further to conceptualize in such a way to have a clear picture of the type of service or product to provide. There can be hundreds of ideas but seldom all of them become fruitful due to various issues in making it fruitful. Some ideas never take off because of unforeseen circumstances in executing it. In addition, some projects are simply not feasible due to the geographical area, people, culture or the general scenario.
Business plan
Once an idea becomes a promising concept and a feasible one, to execute it, a detailed business plan needs to be chalked out. Our know-how in planning business is one of our strengths and we have kept our promises till now. We plan from the inception to the time foreseeable in future where your business will be break-even and beyond. Various phases of business growth is planned out so that the expansion can be done in a modular manner.
Focz can help you register your business in a timely manner in the way you want it as well as the type that best suits your kind of business. Some feel the whole process is confusing and time consuming, however we can simplify them in such a manner that you fill in the gaps and we do the rest.
After business
Starting a business can be tough at the initial stages, but we don’t just leave you alone when you need the most support in your business. Focz can be there with you in every step to share the view and to make fine adjustments in the business processes.
Rising capital – loan – investment
Every business needs capital to be invested and there are ways to raise capital without burning your fingers. Our helpful financial assets can help you secure loans and investments from banks and interested investors. Business friendly investment plans can help you grow your business in a timely manner without going through stiff times.
Processes, policy development, bylaw
Our expertise in legal proceedings and mandates of the functioning of corporate as well as small scale establishments makes us the one you can trust with setting up policies, bylaw and guidelines for the betterment of your business. The success of a company heavily relays on how structured its operations are and here Focz can help you to streamline your process work flow.